Comprehensive oral healthcare platform

Your personal online digital dental clinic

Avoid unnecessary treatments with our personalized recommendations from expert Dentists powered by AI.

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Uncover oral issues earlier for a healthier, brighter future.

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Get personalized therapy plan for €10
Video call expert dentist for €30

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3. Track your dental health

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30k+ happy smiles 

Looking for a dentist who truly understands your oral health concerns? CheckDent is here to help. Our objective discussion and neutral therapy plan tailored to your needs make finding the right dentist easier than ever. Take control of your oral health journey and make informed decisions with our expert guidance. Join our satisfied customers for the best dental solutions.

“I’ve been to different dentists, everyone wanted to treat my tooth gap differently. Thanks to checkdent, I now know that due to my dental fillings and my smoking, the dental bridge is the cheapest and most efficient solution to my dental problem.”

Patrick Fuhrman

“As a layman you have to believe everything and so I lost a tooth for a tooth. Through ceckdent I found out why I never got fillings on my lower front teeth and why I mostly got caries in the posterior area. I then changed my behavior and had my posterior teeth repaired with dental fillings that would last for decades, my dental troubles are now over! “

Agnes Ahmad

“A surgeon recommends a dental implant, the endodontist recommends a root canal treatment, and the prosthodontist recommends the dental bridge.
But what would be the best for me now? Thanks to checkdent, I now understand the differences between these treatment options and have found the best solution for me.”
Neda Sommer

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.